To ensure fairness and accountability Black Youth Write endorses the Donor Bill of Rights. Supporting community development is based on voluntary action for the common good of all stakeholders. BYW wants to ensure the respect and trust of the general public, donors and all prospective donors. To this end we declare that all donors have these full rights:
- To be informed of the Organization’s mission, and how donated funds will be used to support intended purposes.
- To be informed about the organization’s governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in relation to donations and responsibilities.
- To have access to the organization’s most recent financial audited statements and annual reports.
- To be assured that their funds, gift or donations will be used for the purpose initiated in the request.
- To ask questions and receive forthright answers in a timely manner.
- To be assured that information about donations is treated with confidentiality.
- To be informed when volunteers or staff are hired for fundraising.
- To be acknowledged and recognized for their contributions or donations.
- To ask for their names to be removed from any mailing lists or other related forums at the donor requests.
- To visit our site and programs at their request.
Careers: Black Youth Write is not currently hiring. Please check back at a later time.